Apply gently to the unbroken Chilblain and surrounding area.
Use as often as necessary until condition clears.
Leaflet enclosed with each order.
Tamus C, Agaricus, Arnica, Wild Bryony and Tincture of Calendula
Hand blended into an aqueous cream.
Footcare maintenance
Make sure your nails are short. Using toenail clippers (not kitchen scissors), follow the shape of the top of your toe. If there are any you cannot cut, file instead, using an emery board. Moisturise the feet with a plant-based emollient (more easily absorbed than a mineral oil-based product). Generally, creams have high water content for use on the skin, as skin is water-loving so absorption takes place easily. The converse is true with nails; oil is required to condition them as they repel water. Therefore, a spot of olive oil used daily will help keep them healthy. If the clefts of the toes are excessively moist then use surgical spirits, applying with a cotton wool bud. Prevention of many foot problems will occur if you follow this advice.
Winter foot care
In the northern hemisphere, the cold is probably the main thing to consider in addition to the daily foot care regime. Again, prevention is better than cure. Be aware of exposing the feet to extremes of temperature as this can lead to the formation of chilblains. This condition is where the tiny blood vessels in the toes shut down in response to cold and pressure. Upon toasting them in front of an open fire or on a hot water bottle, they become red, itchy, and painful. Therefore, to prevent them, pick hosiery and footwear with care. Wear one pair of well-fitting socks that keep your feet dry and warm. Most high street stores stock these with the approach of the winter months.
Footwear needs to be foot-shaped to prevent impinging on the toes and constricting blood supply. Thermal and breathable linings to shoes and boots will help. However, if you do succumb to getting a chilblain then a cream containing;
Tamus (Tamus communis – Black Bryony, a flowering plant) should help, found in the Berwitz Chilblains cream along with homeopathic remedies to reduce inflammation and discomfort.
If chilblains become a regular occurrence, consult your GP/Homeopath for further investigations as an underlying medical condition may be present.