Member of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths
Homeopathy Heals
Homeopathy Heals - Homeopathic care for for You and your Pets

Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit

For pets and wild animals
ASSISI VETERINARY Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit

Homeopathy for Cats, Dogs, Horses, ponies, and all vulnerable small animals including stray, homeless, and feral cats, Foxes, Deer, Raccoons and Coyotes.

Combination of Homeopathic remedies, supplied in four vials, containing 120 sucrose pillules in each vial, impregnated with one special well-chosen remedy to treat demodectic mange in each vial.

As an added bonus to ensure success, I have added a fourth remedy at no extra cost which can be given should the condition return!

Easy to use pillule form which can be easily added to water or given to your pet or wild animal in food.

Assisi Veterinary have had a lot of success with this treatment and many examples of success both in domestic pets and wild animals.

Incidentally, foxes love a hard-boiled egg with the remedy inserted into the egg. You can also add pillules to drinking water.

This homeopathic remedy is tried and tested over the course of time and our Assisi Veterinary remedies, creams and ointments have been helping to heal small animals since 1979.

Formulated for pets through Assisi Veterinary by professional Homeopath Andrew Berwitz.

Use the discount code of welcome and claim 5% discount on products.


A Leaflet with full directions and a list of ingredients and how to use them is included with every order.


A combination of homeopathic remedies, Sulphur, Arsenicum Alb and Psorinum given over a period of 3/4 weeks. Full directions provided with order.


Recommendation (for Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit)

Very effective medicine. I have treated 3 foxes and they are all relieved with itchiness and pain perhaps. The mange showed a lot of improvement everyday they comes back. Excellent anti mange.

Recommendation (for Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit)

Great service, very pleased with the product thank you

Recommendation (for Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit)

I am on the Psorinum portion of the treatment for Sarcoptic mange on both of my outside kitties. They seem to be responding, and that is fantastic since nothing else has really helped. I can’t thank you enough for this remedy to help save my little loves from misery! 5/5 stars

Recommendation (for Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit)

Excellent service, great instructions. A pleasure to do business with, I will definitely purchase from again. Has been very helpful in giving advice, very quick to respond to communications.

Recommendation (for Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit)

I had to write this letter telling you about my experience with the homeopathic cure for a cat's mange. I have fed a stray cat for over 3 years and she developed mange. I can not get more than within 5 feet of her. Here in the U.S., the only cures are requiring you to hold the cat and rub on shampoo, an oil, or take her to the vet. I finally found your website and ordered the cure. I followed the instructions to a T and after the third week, she began to grow her fur back. After 6 weeks she is nearly normal. I cannot thank you enough for making this available and I hoped to get this letter of recommendation out so other people will buy your wonderful product. It is Assisi Sarcoptic Mange Remedy. Thank you so very much for saving my Cat. They deserve a huge Hooray Hooray Hooray.

Recommendation (for Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit)

OMG, this really works fast! I’m stunned. I can’t tell you enough thank yous for what you was able to accomplish for me and this terrible mange epidemic I’ve encountered so thank you, thank you, thank you… :)!! 5 out of 5 stars

Recommendation (for Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit)

The quality and the success I had with this product is outstanding.

Recommendation (for Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit)

I am treating a stray cat suffering from mange with bloody lesions (from treatment) behind the ears and I have seen a notable improvement. I have been administering the phase 1 pills for two weeks at the seller's suggestion as there was an error in shipping the kit. Following my report, the seller very kindly just informed me that he had sent the right product. I hope to be able to heal my kitten but I think there are good expectations.

Recommendation (for Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit)

Fast delivery and an effective remedy!

Recommendation (for Sarcoptic and Demodectic Mange Treatment Kit)

Excellent seller - item as described and treatment works well